
Day at the Market

Saturday, May 22 I worked at the Farmer's Market doing a Master Gardener demo for the Extension. I couldn't resist taking images of products farmers brought to sell.


Horse of a Different Color

While I was on my internship in Hilton Head during March, I visited a horse farm. I was able to go into the stud pasture and photograph them up close and personal. This horse was such a sweetie and didn't mind I was right in his face.

Fired up in Seagrove

The New York Times had a challenge for the world. They wanted photographers to capture a "Moment in Time" on Sunday, May 2, at 11:00 a.m. EST. I decided to use pottery to represent North Carolina. Daniel Johnston was awesome to work with and displayed a 40 gallon jar in from of a 40' kiln, designed after an ancient Thailand kiln. Daniel uses local clay to make his pottery and also wood in the kiln.

A Family Affair

The Lind Family was a beautiful family to photograph. It was especially fun working with a newborn, although he is sleeping in this photo.